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Elementary School in Colorado

Elementary School in Colorado donated generously to the Somali famine

This event was organized by Centennial Elementary school in Evans, Colorado. Students donated funds they raised to SOMCARE organization to help famine victims in Somalia. Attendees included the Centennial school administration, students, members of the Somali community and representatives of SO
Saturday November 26, 2011 - 21:59:02
Somali child


SOMCARE visit in Mogadishu 10/14/2011, to see the impact of the famine and drought inside IDPS camps. SOMCARE delivered much needed medical equipment to local hospitals and cash donation from Zakat (Alms donations) to several IDPS camps. Please support our food drive is on going in Houston, Ch
Monday November 07, 2011 - 08:34:24
Abdikadir SId

Abdikadir Sid Advisor

Abdikadir Sid: Somcare Advisor Humanitarian Managing Director Food and Aid Thank you for helping SOMCARE. Today marks 4 years since you joined SOMCARE volunteer team 10/25/2007 Abdi Maahaay SOMCARE
Friday October 28, 2011 - 00:16:42
Infant with benign tumour on his right eye and upper lip.

Khadija and caring friends help infant boy.

Little Hassan desperately needs your help. The seven-month-old Hassan has a benign Tumour on his right eye and upper lip. His family is so poor that they can't afford treatment in Somalia, let alone travel over seas.
Wednesday May 12, 2010 - 07:01:35

About Us

Somali American Healthcare Foundation (SOMCare) is a Not For Profit Organization that is devoted to bringing life saving medical care to the most vulnerable people and medically challenging cases in Somalia.

SOMCARE began its work in 2006 with the heart touching incident of a 7-year-old Somali girl that raped and left both physically and psychologically devastated and with no access to medical care. Abdi Maahaay (Founder and Executive Director of SOMCare) and his wife Sahra were touched by this news; they immediately took action by contacting people and organizations around Minnesota.