Maahaay 's visit to London, England

Thursday December 17, 2009 - 07:35:03 in Community Listing by Super Admin
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    Maahaay 's visit to London, England

    Shirkii London ka dhacay oo maaxaay dhagaysanaayo Rahmo oo ka mid ardayda wax ka baratat London ee cariga Ingriiska. Rahmo waxay ka mid ah dhalin yarada u dhaqaaqey inay wax la qabtaan walaaalhood dhibaataysan.

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Shirkii London ka dhacay oo maaxaay dhagaysanaayo Rahmo oo ka mid ardayda wax ka baratat London ee cariga Ingriiska. Rahmo waxay ka mid ah dhalin yarada u dhaqaaqey inay wax la qabtaan walaaalhood dhibaataysan.

Shirkii London ka dhacay oo maaxaay dhagaysanaayo Rahmo oo ka mid ardayda wax ka barata Lodon ee cariga Ingriiska.
Rahmo waxay ka mid ah dhalin yarada u dhaqaaqey inay wax la qabtaan walaaalhood dhibaataysan.

Rahma is a Somali student that expressed her interests in helping other Somali people who needed medical care.

In addition to attending the University of London, Rahma is an active member of SomCare who is making a huge difference in our overall humanitarian mission.

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About Us

Somali American Healthcare Foundation (SOMCare) is a Not For Profit Organization that is devoted to bringing life saving medical care to the most vulnerable people and medically challenging cases in Somalia.

SOMCARE began its work in 2006 with the heart touching incident of a 7-year-old Somali girl that raped and left both physically and psychologically devastated and with no access to medical care. Abdi Maahaay (Founder and Executive Director of SOMCare) and his wife Sahra were touched by this news; they immediately took action by contacting people and organizations around Minnesota.