Amino Awciise oo ka qayb qaadatay barnaamijkaan

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    Amino Awciise oo ka qayb qaadatay barnaamijkaan

    Amino Awciise oo ka qayb qaatey barnaamijkaan

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Amino Awciise oo ka qayb qaatey barnaamijkaan

Sanadkii hore ayey ahayd markii Amino Awciise la daawatey cajalad iyo hooyadeed, markaas ay cajalda daawanaysey ayaa waxay aragtey caruur Soomaliyed oo dhibaataysan, islma markii ay Amino daawatey ayey waxaay u soo qortey Maaxaay emailkaan

Amino waa gabadh yar oo jirta 12 sano kuna dhalatey wadanka Canada. Maanta waxaana la dhashey Edil iyo Hayaat.

Waa tanaa warqadii ay Amino ii soo qortey

From Amran Goldy <>

dateSat, Mar 14, 2009 at 3:27 PM

subjectJazakumulahi Karaan

Asalaamu Alikum

Dear Uncle Maaxaay,

My mother had introduced me to your foundation and I would like to thank you for your help with the effort you put forth by helping the kids in Somalia who are going through a tough time in life with their conditions. To show my gratitude I would like to donate $20(Canada) in support of your foundation. I am 12 years old, daughter of Amran Abdulle, and I am so fortunate to be in healthy condition compared to these kids. As soon as I heard of you foundation, I wanted to help as well. You remind me of a famous Canadian, who had run across Canada to retrieve donation in support of treatment for cancer and cancer research; Terry Fox.

Keep on helping the ones in need. When I grow up I want to be a pediatrician and I want to be a part of your team and help these kids. It broke my heart when I have seen these kids without natural features. I want to take care of these kids as you are doing. You are my role model, and may Allah truly reward you in this life and the afterlife. You are a very kind man and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Jazakumulahi Karaan.

Amina Abdirizak Awisse

Sanadkaan 2009 Amino, iyo dhamaan walaalaheed oo ka qayb qaatey barnaamijkaan. Ayaa waxay ahaayeen kuwo ku faraxsan inay qayb qaataan walaalahood.

Runtii markii aan tagey London ayaa waxaa dhacdey in aan la kulmay wiil yar oo jira 6 sano ayaa waxuu qaadey masawarada caruurt dhibaataysan ayaa waxaa dhacdey inuu geeyey schoolkiisa dhibka ka muuqda caruurta sida flyerka ayuu geeyey schoolka.

Inshalaah waxaan idiin soo gudbin doonaa warbixintaas isbuuca dambe.

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About Us

Somali American Healthcare Foundation (SOMCare) is a Not For Profit Organization that is devoted to bringing life saving medical care to the most vulnerable people and medically challenging cases in Somalia.

SOMCARE began its work in 2006 with the heart touching incident of a 7-year-old Somali girl that raped and left both physically and psychologically devastated and with no access to medical care. Abdi Maahaay (Founder and Executive Director of SOMCare) and his wife Sahra were touched by this news; they immediately took action by contacting people and organizations around Minnesota.